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It is an ideal microplasmic material for the manufacture of different garments such as industrial security, personal use or specific tapes for the police.

Cinta PVC

Reflective foil and lindasoft base
400 Cd / lux 50 wash cycles


Reflective in special prismatic PVC for police clothes


Reflective foil and lindasoft base
400 C / LUX 50 wash cycles


Reflective in special prismatic PVC for police garments

marco Cinta pvc base textil.png

Reflective in special prismatic PVC for police garments

PBX: 601 4520232
Dirección Comercial: 311 367 9508
Ventas: 310 565 6871
Servicio al Cliente: 320 562 3247


Dirección Calle 38 A Sur No. 74-78

Bogotá - Colombia

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